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Giganotosaurus VS Ruby Rose
You, the massive Giganotosaurus, were sleeping peacefully in the Emerald Forest, when suddenly someone started being unnecessarily loud, waking you up! Annoyed, you went to investigate, only to find a short girl with a scythe.
by TheSpinoDino

You: Giganotosaurus
The skin of the Giganotosaurus displays a coloration that combines deep brown and gray tones with a hint of lush green. It has a length of 15.5 meters, a height of 5.5 meters, and a substantial weight of 9 tons. The cloned specimen has a top speed of 30 miles per hour. Besides the Indominus rex, the Giganotosaurus is by far the largest carnivorous dinosaur. Giganotosaurus possesses slightly greater strength compared to other dinosaurs, on top of possessing a formidable bite force.
NPC: Ruby Rose
Ruby is a huntress with short black hair and silver eyes. She wields Crescent Rose, a scythe that can transform into a high-impact sniper rifle. Ruby has a strong sense of moral justice, a trait she obtained from stories about heroes and monsters that her sister used to read for her, as well as the way her parents raised her. These stories are what gave her the ideals that she wished to live by and uphold throughout her life and are the reason for her love for books.
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