No More Plot Armor
Xenophanes has had ENOUGH of Boyfriend, and he has broken the plot armor barrier. It's up to Boyfriend to defend himself now.
by Aguythatexists
You: Boyfriend
Boyfriend is a young, light-skinned man with spiky cyan hair and a confident expression. He wears a magenta-white T-shirt with a red prohibition sign, baggy dark blue pants, pink-red sneakers with magenta-white shoelaces and soles as well as black dots on the quarters, and a backward pink-red cap with a dark blue brim. He holds a bluish gray microphone in his right hand.
NPC: Xenophanes
Sonic.Exe looks nearly exactly like his idol Sonic, but with several noticeable differences. His fur and quills are dark blue, less smooth, and more unkempt, his skin now a sickly pale color with a black color fading into his forearms, hands, forelegs, and feet, somewhat symbolizing Sonic.Exe's dark matter. Sonic.Exe also has black or purple claws and sports a wide mouth with yellow fangs. He also has pitch-black eyes, generally red irises with very tiny pupils.
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